When you are having a bad day/ week/ month – you often feel completely out of control of everything.
The perception that “the world is against us” can we overwhelming ~ BUT, there are things you can do to give yourself some power back. In the midst of chaos remind yourself that you CAN put some great music on. You CAN just nip out for a walk in the fresh air. You CAN just break out into a dance like no one is watching You CAN do a 10 minute workout blast in the garden or front room.
Whatever the “thing” is that would give you some happy space, you CAN make time to do it ?
I think we often get so overwhelmed and wrapped up in what’s going “wrong” that we easily forget what is actually “right” with our lives. It’s our perception that needs to be changed and we can do this by either taking 10 mins out to do one of the above or a 10 minute breather where we REALLY focus on what we HAVE GOT.
Over the last couple of months I’ve really had to make time to remind myself what I’ve got in my life as everything really has genuinely been out of my control. I’ve taken 10 mins each day to lie down and listen to HeadSpace (a meditation app) and I’ve forced myself to make the time to exercise. That’s my peace in a chaotic world
Whatever it is that gives you headspace make time for it, and YOU. Appreciate the little things you have as together they make one BIG amazing thing, and no matter how much of a mess you think you’re life is in, in the grand scheme of things .. YOU’RE DOING OK!
Charlie x