I met with one of my new Nutrition Health Coaching clients this morning, and one of the things that shone through (for both of us if I’m honest) is how stressed we all are, + how our health is possibly the lowest on our list of priorities. NHS figures have recently suggested that Britons work the longest hours in Europe with an average of 40 days unpaid overtime and a copious amount of stress to accompany it.
If you can’t change your working hours or are in a hard place to reduce stress, make your FOOD the most supportive medicine it can be. Everything can seem out of our control in life, however, what you put in your mouth, is your choice. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
WHAT SMALL THINGS DO YOU THINK YOU COULD DO TO IMPROVE YOUR BALANCE? 2. Could you make one meal dominant in colourful vegetables a day? 3. If you don’t take a lunch break, could you take 10 mins to walk and leave your desk? 4. Could you drink more water? 5. Could you make your own lunch one day a week? 6. Could you switch your cereal to some eggs for one morning? 7. Could you take 10 minutes out of your working day to focus on creating some big belly breaths? Little, subtle changes…could make all the difference in how we feel about the control in our lives + create some energy moments where maybe there are none..
Charlie x
http://www.cambridgebootcamp.co.uk http://www.purplefitness.co.uk -> (A new work in process) |