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January 5, 2012 Charli Wall

Are you ready for this?

2011 was actually a pretty AMAZING year – one of the best for me.  I became CROSS-FIT certified (Level 1) (Major achievement for me!!)  I got a STUDIO with the lovely Donna-Belle so that I could finally launch ‘CAMBRIDGE KETTLEBELLES‘ which had been an idea in my mind for about 2 years. The studio is AWESOME!!! I know that Donna and I have put our hearts and souls into this, the website and creating an online presence to be able to spread our fitness love around the globe.   We expanded the Cambridge Bootcamp to 9 camps with 4 SUPERB TRAINERS.  My mum beat Breast Cancer , whilst I also had my own introduction into cancer cells, and within that we both learnt a whole lot more about Nutrition and its impact on the body to be able to heal itself :o)
My boy started senior school (is it still called that these days?) 😉 and I finally paid off ‘most’ of my credit card debt!! I got myself a new car that has my logo all over it and ran several races this year including the intense Spartan Race.
The cherry on the cake was winning an award for Cambridge Bootcamps –> We won “Highly commended for Diet and Fitness” This was an incredibly proud moment for me, as I am sure it would be for anyone and I am still so proud of all the women who make this dream job possible for me to do.
Given that we are already in 2012, I thought it may be an idea to look at what I hope to achieve this year. I have no desire to write a list of resolutions as I know only too well that I normally ignore them within one day, feel like a failure and become negative towards myself (a lesson i learnt a few years ago).  So, given my experience, I am hoping to write a list of my goals with an action plan beside them.  I am doing this, as I hope as you are reading this you may be thinking “I’d really like to join bootcamp this year BUT……..”   Or, “I’d really like to run that 5k BUT……. “
So, let’s do this together……
My list:
I am going to run the Cambridge Half Marathon in March and therefore achieve my goal of running a half marathon before I am 40! Eeek! It’s that number again ;o) So, my training needs to include long runs within my weekly schedule over the next three months. My action plan will be to keep a training log in my little book, and schedule in long and short sprint runs during my week.
Stay sober for 3 months (Jan, Feb and March) — action?  STAY AWAY FROM BOOZE and the lovely wine shop on Cherry Hinton rd! 😉
Sort out my bootcamp and work schedule so that I am not working 18 hour days!! Action plan –> I am currently working with new potential trainers to take over the Cherry Hinton evening camp, AND starting a new one evening a week HARDCORE outdoor class near my new studio (Harvest Way)
Be happy in my own skin, and not get caught up in the view that “I will be happy if I could just change ….”  I can action this by looking at how I treat myself every day! I am aware that a lot of us look for that answer of happiness outside ourselves.. I hear the above A LOT when I work with people, either in a counselling situation or within the bootcamp setting.   The solutions have to come from within, SO, I will personally start by drinking and eating foods that nourish me. I have already been researching recipes on the internet, dug out the slow cooker, and invaded the local farm shop!  I will also only read things that enhance my well-being and learning. Not absorb others negativity, and understand that there are some things which I just cannot change 🙂
I actually have quite a lot of aspirations for this year, but that would mean going on forever, but you get the general gist of what I am doing here right?
Tell me about your goals for 2012, what IS it that you would like to change TODAY??

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