I'd like to give you a gift...


September 25, 2023 Charli Wall
In Blog

Last Friday I did a spontaneous live transmission on my free FB Community.

It was inspired by the following post I wrote:

“How many of you have an idea for a business?

Is there anyone in this group who has started a business or creative endeavor & doesn’t feel comfortable taking the next steps?

Are you someone who has many ideas but these ideas don’t get followed through?

I’ve spoken to a couple of women over the last few weeks who have spoken to me about the above and feel stuck/ paralysed or frustrated with themselves.

Fear of money/ provision (& their relationship to that energy) can cause a real somatic experience for women”

This is not just something that women experience.

This is a phenomenon that is experienced by both men & women.

Here I speak to this energetic principle and go into the deeper layers of why we often collapse when we have money, an idea, or something else our heart desires.

Please listen here:

I share something in this transmission that is deeply personal and I have carried so much shame around prior to understanding this piece.

Tomorrow at 12.45 pm UK time, I will be coming live into my group to do the 3rd in my current series of live 1:1 coaching demos.

If you would like to see the first one, please respond and I will send you the secret link.

If you are in my FB group, you’ll see ALL of my live coaching demos under Guide #2

I hope you are having a wonderful day.

With love,

Charli x

Ps. If you missed it, here are some things you may be interested in:

Tomorrow (Monday eve) in my Circle Community I will be doing a Masterclass on Overcoming Imposter Syndrome. Join me here 

My Rewilding Retreat is in 3 weeks! 16-21st of October – fancy 5 days on the Costa De La Luz? 

Do I want more from my life? 

Anxiety for Mental Health Week – Anxiety, your Nervous System & the 3 Principles

Fear does not stop death, it stops life – a conversation with client Lucy Gordon

My introductory program is called Fly – First Love Yourselfwhich is a self-study 11-day nourishing starter course – currently priced at £33

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