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February 28, 2014 Charli Wall

Happy Friday to you peeps. I wrote a blog back at the beginning of Feb called the Kettlebell Swing which talked about my own training for a 3 day fairly tough Kettlebell certification. My colleague and I had been to see an SFG coach who critiqued our own Kettlebell training before Xmas. This lady is called Claire Booth and she is a VERY STRONG ex bodybuilder!

Amber (my colleague) and I came away from that session before xmas feeling a wee bit scared and a wee bit daunted by the prospect of what we needed to do before May 2014

Amber and I have been again today to Bracknell … (This is a long drive from Cambridge) to see and train with Claire again. She politely told us both that after our last visit she was extremely concerned about how we were both going to get through this course… *She didn’t tell us this at the time* .. Bare in mind that we are both trainers in our own rights and not bad ones at that 😉 BUT Amber and I have been training HARD, putting the work in, practising, critiquing each other, and taking on board everything that we had been taught thus far…. I feel that this is why Claire had the courage to tell us we had quite frankly been CRAP previously 🙂

She said we had worked hard over the last few months and that this showed in our technique. This is a GOOD FEELING!!!! I for one put myself down in a HUGE way.. I have SOOO much confidence in everyone else, but very very little in myself.



I know this comes across when I train – especially with people I consider to be amazingly strong/ competent/ “better than me”  I am shy, unconfident, afraid almost of my body ‘just in case’ –> “I get injured” is usually the thing I say to myself.. But what IF I could LIFT that heavy weight? Swing that rather HEAVY Kettlebell?

I see this in so many of the ladies that I work with, that feeling of not being quite ‘good enough’

Is this something that you can relate to?

Today I needed a coach that I respect to tell me that I was ‘good enough’ to feel confident that in 10 weeks IF I continue to put the hard work in I *may* pass this certification. I am still not ‘strong enough’ to pass this cert as I stand currently BUT I am further than I was before xmas which just goes to show that if you put your mind to something you definitely CAN achieve. As part of the SFG course there is an online group where many of the fellow SFG 1 members are reporting about their feats of strength; how STRONG they are + how a few of them have already completed the cert tests…  :/

Reading these strong boastings has had me hiding in the conner of my room screaming.. Nooooo Don’t make me GOOOO (To myself obvs) .. Mainly men TBH (sorry men if you’re reading this) chatting about large weights/ heavy swings/ many many reps,  non ripped hands..

Why am I comparing myself negatively to these other trainers?? Goodness only knows. Why do I compare myself negatively in general to other people? I have NO idea as it just mades me SAD!!! A wise woman once said “Comparison is the thief of joy”.. It is also an ATTACK on ourselves! What we need to strive to do is have a BETTER relationship with ourselves, our OWN strengths, be appreciative of what we can do, and not get sucked into the negative energy that comparing negatively does.  Concentrate on what you CAN do, what strengths you DO have..

Name them below for me in the comments?


I’ll start…

I can swing a HEAVY Kettlebell

I can pull myself up onto a bar and hold myself up for 15 seconds

I can be a MOTHER, a friend, daughter, sister, lover (which IMO takes more strength than swinging a Kettlebell)


“Strong women: A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey. But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong”


Charlie x


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