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What does the word COURAGE mean for you?

What does the word COURAGE mean for you?
April 20, 2024 Charli Wall
In Blog

It takes COURAGE to face your inner shadows.. to show up and to take responsibility for yourSelf, to live in your truth, to live into your desire, and to find yourself in grounded acceptance.

The feminine loves to FEEL and there is magic on the other side of that sensation.

We need to go down and inside to the darkness, to face the inner demon, and this takes courage.

You have got this!

Have courage dear.

You can join in on theย FB thread hereย to share what the wordย COURAGEย means for you, or press reply and let me know. I would love to hear from you.
To go deeper with me to go on your own heroine’s journey, I have two group offerings at the moment that are currently at private PRESALE pricing for clients and email subscribers only.
The presale pricing will not stay this low for long.
Hit reply if you have any questions,
Have courage,
Love, Charli x

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