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Releasing the inner Panthress

Releasing the inner Panthress
March 5, 2009 Charli Wall

Hey guys,

I have been set a 12 week challenge by a friend of mine – fellow fitness coach Jon le tocq of BodyClocq Ltd.  He has asked a few other PT’s to be guinea pigs for his challenge to see what kind of results we get.

Therefore, I will be working my butt off for the next 12 weeks, with a programme that is written for me, and that will challenge me in a way i am not sure I have been challenged previously. I have been asked to give up caffeine (again)..  Boo!!! Those of you that know me well are fully aware of my addiction to Starbux mocha’s!!! So this will be difficult, but you also know that I often give up caffeine and I do ask this of my lovely clients who mostly oblige 😉 So, it seems only fair that I accept the challenge with a smile on my face (But a grimace underneath!!)

I have completed 3/4 work-outs this week, and I have to say I am loving every minute of them. I feel inspired to complete them and energetic afterwards.. I did nearly puke after w/o number 2, but hey, that’s all part of the fun isn’t it???

I will be posting weekly on here to let you guys know how i get on, and also posting more regular updates on my  Twitter account..

How do you guys try to find you’re inner panther/panthress??

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