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January 15, 2010 Charli Wall

You are here – there is a reason. You are here – you want something better.

You are here – you have a chance.
Take it – grasp it and hold on with all your might.
There will be reasons why you can’t – but for every one there is a reason why you will.

Move forward. Be better today. More active, eat smarter, be proud of yourself. One hour at a time adds up to a day, days at a time will equal a week – the weeks will blend – good habits take hold – results will show – it is hard to see 4 weeks, even12 weeks from now – but I am here to tell you it’s worth it – so are many others.

There are ups and downs, plateaus and set backs – these come with change. But a formerly obese 45 year old spent 60 minutes with me today strength training and attend’s these bootcamps. She had a well proportioned healthy breakfast, a turkey salad for lunch, fruit and nuts for a snack and is planning a dinner of grilled fish, vegetables and salad. – This has been an amazing journey to watch – it took 3 months to take hold – but 12 months later it still works. A 29 year old mother also overweight 18 months ago, changed her life with such amazing dedication that she has lost 7 stone since I met her. Again I have watched her journey from near and sometimes far in awe. She makes it work despite sometimes terrible stressors – She makes it achievable in her world – HOPE..

Why post this here? Hope.

You are facing a tough challenge – but tough is very different than impossible. You will face difficulties, uncooperative family members, time issues, self doubt, years of bad habits – but look to those here who are winning the battle – they faced down those difficulties and often use them as motivation. http://www.out-fit.ning.com

Need help -ask for it. Want to succeed – find your motivation – write it down – think of it every time you are tempted. This is about a better lifestyle not a diet. Diets don’t work – but a better approach to eating combined with more and sustained activity can change your life. The resources are here, the support is here. http://www.out-fit.ning.com

Lastly don’t be afraid – anything you do is likely better than what you have been doing – be a little better every day – fear will defeat the process.

You can do this – and no one can do it for you.

Grab the hope – hold on tight. Start your improvements and then reach out and help someone else.

Come to the Bootcamps if you can.. The support and cameraderie is BRILL!!!!! Results are a given – Hope is here if you want it 🙂

Charlie Wall



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