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Episode 71: Courage Dear Heart with Jan and Chip Chipman

Episode 71: Courage Dear Heart with Jan and Chip Chipman
January 16, 2023 Charli Wall
In Podcast Episodes

I met these 2 wonderful humans when I did a retreat in Tenerife back in 2018, however, I had just the week before, been coached by them on Zoom when I felt utterly broken.

I am lucky enough to have access to a video of me being coached by them back in 2018 at this very tough time in my life when I was experiencing chronic anxiety, stress, CPTSD, flashbacks, alopecia, face-picking, nightmares, daymares, I was struggling to sleep, I had eye infections, body image issues, dysfunctional eating, and a whole host of other symptoms & difficulties.

If you would like to see that video of me being coached, feel free to click this link to see what is possible for you.

Jan & Chip worked and trained with Syd Banks when he first started out following his enlightenment experience, and they are what is known as ‘First Generation 3p Practitioners in our field of psychology.

They are an incredibly wise couple, and I really hope you enjoy this wonderful conversation.

You can contact them directly via their website here.

At the time of release of this podcast/ YouTube episode, I am launching my ‘Finding Freedom’ programme on the 23rd Jan’23. If you would like to join me please send me an email, or sign up here

My free community can be found here (This is where I record a lot of my podcast episodes live)

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She Finds Freedom Programme


Free series of 5 Vlogs – “Comfortable in your own skin

FLY – First Love Yourself 11-day self-study program

Courage Dear Heart Podcast

YouTube Channel: Charli Wall

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