I'd like to give you a gift...


January 27, 2013 Charli Wall

Hey guys, I hope this letter finds you well – I am happy we have finally had some sunshine today!! 😀

Firstly I want to apologise for the last letter as I was made aware the the Intermediate Kettlebell course link did not work!! #blonde! The date has been changed to Sunday the 3rd March, and it will be held at the Frank Lee centre at Addenbrookes.  The link for that workshop is here 🙂
Following the advertising of this workshop I was asked to do a Beginners Kettlebellworkshop, so I have organised this for Saturday the 9th Feb between 1-3pm, The Facebook event is HERE –>  http://www.facebook.com/events/155361354613423/  The venue is the Queens College Sports Ground, Barton rd, Cambridge. Cost £25.  If you are NOT on facebook, but would be interested in coming along please email me at CambridgeBootcamps@gmail.com ref KB and I will answer any questions that you may have.
CrossFit update ! -> As some of you may remember I have been in talks with the Cambridgeshire Crossfit boys about offering a female only crossfit class at their unit.  We aim to start this in a couple of weeks, and this will run on THURSDAYS at 6.30pm There is no sign up fee, but a PAYG price of £10 (unless of course you are already a member there) If you have any queries about this class, please contact the boys via their website–  This will start on THURSDAY 21st FEB 2013

We are now coming to the end of the current block, and start our block TWO next Monday for both the normal cambridge bootcamp #CBC locations, and the online #TribeCBC bootcamp. As always the camaraderie in both the normal cbc AND the online training has been phenomenal! The results are coming in now for the online camps, and the inches are coming off these amazing women. This has been perfect for those busy women who cannot make our normal locations, and we have women from all over the UK taking part. 

If you are interested in our online training program, the cost for the first month is £57 (21 days) and they run monthly. Cost after the first block is £30. I will need you set up for this by Friday the 1st Feb at the latest if possible. Link for payment is HERE –> http://cambridgebootcamps.co.uk/tribe-online-training/
If you are keen to come along to one of our CBC locations, everyone is welcome to oneFREE trial at a time that suits them – I would advise coming along this week, before we commence block 2 next Monday. Payment can be made for our #CBC camps HERE –> http://cambridgebootcamps.co.uk/camps/
#CBC #TribeCBC before/after photo ⬆  🙂
For any questions, please email me cambridgebootcamps@gmail.com
Much love,
Charlie x

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